A long-time soho establishment, which is not a good restaurant, according to Time Out. Well, one day a sudden strong rain surprised me, and I thought, okay, I'll go for a cup of coffee in there to keep warm. There was a really cozy atmosphere, and I actually remember I lingered there for quite a while.
I had a Don Huonot t-shirt on, which says "Ruoski minua" and the bartender insisted on knowing what it says. For some reason I was embarrased to tell him. Somehow it doesn't translate well to my ear.
Well, while I was enjoying my cappuccino, guess who walked in, Emma Thompson and Tim Roth. Again, I was happy to see familiar faces in this strange town, and was about to say hi to them, when I realized, that actually they really haven't had the pleasure of meeting me, ever. though Emma did party later on once with us in Planet Hollywood, for charity, of course.